Dear Luke Milo,
My sweet boy, you are now a one year old! I can’t begin to describe what an incredible joy it is to be your Mama. Daddy and I love you so much and you have forever changed us. You are the smiliest baby and you are a light in our lives. I have prayed for you for many years. I always wanted a blue-eyed baby boy, and here you are. I love how much you look like your Daddy!
I will never forget the indescribable feeling I felt as they placed you on my chest the moment you entered the world. Tears filled our eyes as we took in the breathtaking site of you. Daddy and I couldn’t stop memorizing every detail of your sweet face. We have waited so long to meet you (you were so worth the wait,) and we love calling you our son.
Watching you grow and change over these past twelve months has been such a blessing! You have learned so much in such a short time. From holding your head up, rolling over, scooting, crawling, eating solids, cruising all around the house as your practice your walking skills, starting to say several words and so much more, a lot happened and you are turning into such a sweet little boy. You love being around people, you’re fearless and you love to explore. You enjoy being outside, you love your teddy bear, and you love splashing around in the bath. Some days I wish I could just freeze time, but instead I hug you a little longer and know that you will only be this little for today and I have to enjoy every second that I can before it slips away.
The year of 2020 has been a challenging one for everyone around the globe due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We were able to have you just two weeks before the world shut down. It was such a privilege to have some visitors at the hospital and just a few visitors in our house before things changed. It was sad that some of our friends and family had to stop coming. We so badly wanted everyone to meet you and get to know you. Daddy and I were on our own in a lot of ways, with friends and family cheering us on as they were also at home on lockdown. We learned even more how to work as a team and try to be the best we could for you, even on the days with lack of sleep and little patience. Having Daddy work at home was a hidden blessing as he was able to see so many of your milestones and got to hang out with you for a few minutes during his lunch break.
Your Daddy and I love you more than you will ever know! I look forward to watching you as a one year old continuing to learn and grow as we make memories together. It is such a gift to be your Mama and I thank God for bringing you into my life at just the right time. I can’t imagine my life without you. Enjoy your day Lukey bear and we are so excited to celebrate you!